Logarithm Calculator



This log calculator (logarithm calculator) allows you to calculate the logarithm of a (positive real) number with a chosen base (positive, not equal to 1). Regardless of whether you are looking for a natural logarithm, log base 2, log base 10 (decimal logarithm), or log base any number, this calculator will solve your problem.

How to use calculator:
Please provide any two values to calculate the logarithm, based on the logarithm equation logb(x)=y. It can accept e as a base input.
If you want to calculate the decimal logarithm of a number x; log (x), then base b should be 10.
If you want to calculate the logarithm of a number x to the base b; logb (x), then base b should be the base number.
If you want to calculate the natural logarithm of a number x; ln(x), then base b should be e.

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